LDST School Improvement Team
Central Team
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Laurie Kwissa
Establish, review and evaluate the effectiveness of the school improvement strategy and identify next step priorities, including EO as appropriate
Trust Safeguarding Lead
Trust Education Director (TED)
Sally Aspinwall
Strategically leading, co-ordinating and delivering the established school improvement strategy and ensuring consistency across our Trust
- Strategic oversight and accountability for schools and school improvement
- Co-ordinate the school improvement offer and lead the SI team
- Provide the agreed SI support and challenge as set out in the SI strategy document, for identified schools
- Support and challenge for schools
- Deliver CPD
- Provide executive headship over three schools
- Accountable to the CEO
Trust Attendance Lead
Trust Education Officer (TEO) and Curriculum Lead with Trust-wide Executive Headteacher responsibilities
Mark Ward
Leading and delivering the established school improvement strategy and ensuring consistency across our Trust
- Provide the agreed SI support and challenge as set out in the SI strategy document, for identified schools
- Provide executive headship over two schools
- Provide targeted curriculum support for schools, as identified by the TED
- LDST Curriculum Lead
- Lead Networks: curriculum and DHT/AHT networks
- Lead NPQs
- Deliver CPD
- Accountable to the Trust Education Director
Trust Curriculum Lead
Trust Professional Development Lead
Trust Inclusion and Assessment Lead
Jill Broom
Leading and delivering on our LDST Inclusion Strategy
- Lead the Trust Inclusion Strategy
- Establish Trust wide systems and processes
Provide targeted SEND/PP support for schools as identified by the TED
Leading and co-ordinating our Assessment Strategy Trust wide
- Develop the Trust wide strategy for Assessment, target setting and moderation
- Collate and analyse Trust wide data for discussion with CEO
Trust Teacher Development Co-ordinator
Rob Fletcher
- Co-ordinating CEFEL’s suite of NPQs across our area, supporting MATs across our region
- Co-ordinating LDST’s NPQ delivery team of facilitators and coaches
- Leading SCITT programme as Lead Mentor
- Curriculum TEP
Trust Behaviour Hub Lead (0.2)
Ann Charters
- Providing bespoke support, training and advice aimed at improving behaviour culture across LDST schools
Trust Christian Distinctiveness Lead Lead (0.2)
Jill Stratford
- Providing support and advice for SIAMs
Trust-wide Education Team
Adding greater capacity and expertise to the central team
Trust Associate Education Officers (TAEO)
Headteachers within LDST:
Sylvia Thomson (four schools)
- Provide the agreed SI support and challenge as set out in the SI strategy document, for identified category 1 and 2 schools
- Provide additional SI support as directed by the TED/support plan
- Deliver the school improvement strategy in category 1 and 2 schools
- Mentor new Headteachers
- Provide bespoke support where identified by the TED
- Lead a Trust-wide improvement priority
- NPQ facilitators
Trust Education Partner (TEP)
EYFS: Emma Rowley
Curriculum: Rob Fetcher
Mathematics: Faye Cranney
Inclusion: Kellie Mooney
- Lead Practitioners providing specific Trust-wide school support where needed:
- Provide specific curriculum focused teaching and learning support
- Be a leading practitioner in specific field
- Provide targeted supported as directed by the TEO
- Lead or support networks to develop trust strategic priorities
- Keep up to date with current practice and research
- Develop materials to support trust priorities
- Be an advocate and champion for area of expertise
- Promote the trust
- Live out trust values
- Network Leads
- NPQ coach
LDST Executive Headteacher
Sal Aspinwall
Mark Ward
Jill Broom
Jenny Young
Alison Jackson
Alison Barron
- Specific school improvement responsibilities and accountability, and will have, or be studying, the NPQEL
- School improvement Trust-wide. This will include the Education Officer in category 3 and 4 schools having delegated powers to make curriculum, finance, staffing etc decisions, as outlined in the support plan and scheme of delegation
School improvement over two schools, where one is identified as requiring support. The role will include strategically establishing the school-to-school partnership, managing Deputy Heads/Heads of Schools, leading workforce, finance, curriculum and pedagogy developments and directing the work of leaders. The Executive HT is the accountable leader in both schools
LDST Associate Headteacher
- An Associate HT is an experienced leader in LDST, who provides formal support and mentoring to new HTs or to Acting HTs, to enable them to grow as leaders and challenge their decision making. They are not accountable for standards, but there to provided formal support as needed.